Monday, 24 November 2008

have you ever been asked: Do you care?

You will soon realise that I absolutely luuuuuvvvv Shrink Plastic. I can't remember when I first found out about it but it was year ago and I get excited about using it and thinking of new things to make with it.

I made this badge last year and wear it as often as I can. It is a speech bubble saying 'Do you care?' and I have had quite a lot of comments about it from people I know and also complete randomers.

My hope with making this badge was to get people to ask the question to themselves. It's open enough for people to link it to what they are thinking already or ask me to explain it more. It's a great conversation starter into talking about global poverty and social justice issues.

one example: I was at Wagamamas with my amazing older sister one day. We were sharing a Yaki Soba (its the only dish i ever get; its too good not to have it!) and drinking tap water. Big Spenders I know. And what makes it worse is that it was near Liverpool Street and Bank, during rush hour so lots of corporate's were there spending loadsa money watching us order tap water and more free green tea. However, luckily our waiter was lovely, understood our budget lifestyle and even gave us some 2 for 1 vouchers for next time. Legend! Anyway, back to the point: the lovely waiter asked what my badge meant. My response was "so do you care about people living in poverty, the effect your carbon footprint have on the world and how everything we do makes a difference in the world?" He looked at me like he had just bitten into a lemon but then smiled and said he will "think about it" = result!:) I hope I did it in a non-threatening, smiley way and not a preachy way.

The badge is te easiest Shrink Plastic thing to make. If you want one send me your details and I'll post you one:)x

1 comment:

a lonely craftivist said...

I gave this one to my cousin who is doing session work with the band Keane= keep a look out to see if he wears it on tour/tv!